Christ The Way Seventh-day Adventist Church

Worship with us on Saturdays @10:00AM  MST in-person and online: 

11520 Ellerslie Rd SW, Edmonton, AB | Facebook and Youtube @christthewaysdachurch

Who are we?

We are your neighbour, your co-worker, that guy behind you in line.  We love a perfect God imperfectly.  We believe that Jesus loves each and every person and that He alone transforms lives now and for eternity.  We stumble when we take our eyes of Him and we profess to have no other strength than what He provides.  He is our greatest hope and Savior and our true Friend in this dark and disconnected world. 

Our Mission Statement:

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to reflecting Jesus by proclaiming His gospel of love, cultivating authentic relationships, and serving our neighbours with compassion, justice, and hope as we prepare for His soon return.

Our Vision Statement:

To live and love like Jesus.